Experts in Trading and Supply of oil and gas products and also provide other services in different specialized areas of business.

What We Do?

At Afribase Group, We are experts in Trading and Supply of oil and gas products and also provide other services in different specialized areas of business. Afribase Group was conceived in the year 2004. Having a strong team with several years of experience in different businesses and industries and an in-depth understanding of global Markets.

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What We Supply

Afribase Energy comprehensive product line will supports commercial, industrial and retail operations nationwide. The company’s marketing operations will supply fuels, petrochemicals and all refined petroleum products manufactured here in Nigeria and other oil producing countries.

Base Oil


Fuel Oil



Gas Oil

Where We Operate

We handle supplies in various locations globally.

  • Asia Pacific
  • U.S Gulf
  • West Africa
  • European Market
  • Arab Gulf
  • South Africa

Our Mission

We aim to provide high value and high quality services to our clients through innovation, efficiency and creativity.
Empowering progress through sustainable energy solutions.
Our mission is to seamlessly trade and supply energy resources, fostering a resilient and cleaner future for communities worldwide in order to keep a balance between achieving our business goals and social responsibilities.

Our Vision

Creating connections with influential stakeholders and individuals which in turn helps in keeping up with the constant evolution of the energy industry.
We also aim to promote global progress through sustainable energy solutions which aids us to be the leading force in trade ,supply, driving innovation and reliability in the delivery of clean, efficient energy resources for a brighter and more sustainable future